Friday, April 1, 2016

Twas the night before the Gem City Comic Con...

Hey, you found my page! If you are reading this you have either been an avid follower of my blog, clicked the wrong link or hopefully you visited my table at the Gem City Comic Con. I hope you are having/ had a wonderful time at the convention, and your visit to my table means all the world to me. I am assuming you saw the pretty lady in the Phoenix costume and you may have noticed the guy hiding inside the Phoenix Force behind her. Yeah, that was me. I hope you continue to follow my blog and even take the time to upload any photos you took of the convention onto twitter with the @Angelicomics tag or upload them to facebook and share them with the Angelicomics page. We would love to post your photos to show people at next year's convention what a great time everyone was having.  Thank you again for all of your support, without it I wouldn't be doing all of the wonderful things that I get to enjoy with you on my blog. Thanks!