Monday, June 24, 2013

Magic the Gathering

     Would you have ever guessed that I play Magic the Gathering? If you have been keeping up with my blog you would have probably guessed it by now that I enjoy a lot of nerdy things. I have been playing magic for quite some time, usually just off and on over the years. My earliest memory of the game was when it first came out and some friends of mine started to play. The game fascinated me by the artwork, especially since I was really into collecting the Marvel Masterpiece cards around that time. The idea of a game with pictures seemed so new and innovative. To get me started some of my local buddies gave me a handful of cards to start with, but like most parents around that time, I was told to return them because they were too demonic. Having a name like "Magic" in the title got a lot of heat.
     It wasn't until around the Tempest block that I convinced my parents that the game was harmless. Everyone at school was playing, my nephews were playing, it just seemed unavoidable. Eventually I stopped playing after High School and went off to college. For a time I didn't play at all, but then I realized many of the people on campus were playing. So, I started playing again; go figure. Eventually the game got in the way of my studies and so I stopped playing. A few years went by and I again picked the game back up after learning some of my friends played. There is a big difference from when you have people to play with on a regular basis and only having a small play group that's unorganized.
     Eventually the EDH format came out; a glorious format involving 100 card singleton which captivated me for its simplicity and use of all those old single cards I could never use in standard. A few years ago I made a few videos regarding the format and what I felt were staples for each deck. I got a pretty positive response on those videos; even had a few request for more videos as well. Well, I finally made a new video, and I hope it brings people to my page here. So from now on, I will be implementing my Magic the Gathering interest with my comics blog. Below are the videos I have made so far, so please feel free to comment and ask questions. Till next time.

EDH Artifact Staples:

EDH Land Staples:

Endrek Sahn, Master Breeder Deck Tech:

Linvala, Keeper of Silence Deck Tech:

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