Tuesday, February 19, 2013

"Requiem" Chapter 2

If you haven't read the story from the beginning CLICK HERE

Christopher A. Kouse
Chapter 2

Valen grasped onto the cave interior as he ascended the massive chamber. Its structure resembled a spiral staircase with the minor exception of the enormous hole at its core. The heat that came from the crater at its bottom billowed up the shaft making him thankful he was still wearing the clothes he had died in; although upon seeing his clothes for the first time he realized he had no sense of fashion. The cavern was illuminated by the beautiful waterfall of destruction, but Valen knew that it was actually the price in which Karninfaux was to suffer for his transgression. He hadn’t grown too accustomed to his eyes yet, but he swore he could see gaps in the lava resembling those faces which filled the multitude of cells around him. The faces would collapse upon themselves and die, only to be reborn moments later. It was a mixture of the fleeting images and the heat that made him press against the walls; he needed the feeling that there was something real so he wouldn’t be consumed by the ominous presence that he felt.
From time to time Valen would peer into the cells resembling the one he had been in. Screams and cries seemed to be ripped from the enslaved; each moan fueling the light from the chasm to grow brighter. He felt for these people, the tormented souls of men and women who were just like him, strapped down to chairs, writhing in untold agony. They suffered the same fate he would have been subjected to if it hadn’t been for Karninfaux’s bargain. He still wasn’t sure what to think of his predicament; constantly it churned in his mind as he traveled up the cavern. So many unanswered questions, he thought. Was it possible that everything he had been taught in Sunday school was a lie? He had never been a strong believer, but knowing that there was an afterlife made a pretty strong argument that there had to be something after death; and if there was a God, where was he now? The more he pondered, the more he felt like one of the helpless souls being subjected to his own sins.
Hours passed and Valen decided to take a break from his climb. The knowledge that he wasn’t in his mortal body, but still knowing he still had limitations eased his mind into accepting that some part of him was still human.
Valen found a corner that looked more like it had been cut from the wall. He didn’t care what had caused the formation, it was a sanctuary from the screams and the heat; it didn’t have to be permanent if only it would grant a few minutes to close his eyes he was content. As he crawled into the darkness he was forced to suck in his gut to squeeze into the gap. A shudder went down his chest as the jagged rock scraped along his back. He couldn’t help but laugh that after 26 years in complete darkness, he was now finding peace in it.
For years he had wished to see, but he never would he have wanted to see this place, no man should, he thought. But for the time being he would enjoy the crevice’s cool embrace; inviting him back like an old friend who hadn’t seen him years, and yet it was only hours that separated the two.
Valen awoke to an unsettling noise. He hadn’t realized he had drifted off in the darkness, but now he was awake and more alert than ever. His ears caught the sound of something being drug against the stone floor, much like a till being pulled through a field. Growing up on a farm had been something in his life he had wanted to forget; the city did that to him. Waking up at 5 am to feed chickens and work the land had made made Valen realize early on that he had no place in the wilderness. Being blind had made the sounds he heard more distinct and amplified, but his new found angel eyes allowed him to experience these things first hand. Again the dragging rumbled closer, much louder than before. Valen peered from the darkness, past the cracks, towards the light and into the face of abomination.
The hulking creature that Valen was now facing, stood at least 5 feet taller than him; but Valen could only guess because the creature was hunched over, hiding its massive height. The mess of chains it pulled behind it were embedded in its flesh and caused a jangling noise that was both obnoxious and deafening; the chains were being strained and pulled taught by what appeared to be a large mallet that’s weight could only be measured in tons. The hammer rustled loosely on the ground and where it drug behind, a path was left in the stone floor. The creature’s head rested upon its shoulders, but was draped with a shroud that held its eyes in blackness. Massive wings, covered in ash, dangled close to the creature’s body. As he came into the light Valen could see that the rest of the creature’s skin had been ravaged by the molten aroma given off by the lava.
Valen continued to watch in disbelief as the creature came to a stop just within viewing distance of the alcove in which he held up. He thought something must have given him away and that caused the beast to stop. Valen’s heart began to beat faster, but still he remained silent hoping the monster would turn back and go a separate way.
The beast reached back with its right arm and picked up the massive hammer that drug behind it, and with his left hand he reached into a large bag at its side. Pulling its hand out it revealed a massive nail the length of Valen’s body. It was impossible how the creature was able to pull something so large from the bag, Valen couldn’t fathom it; but then there were a lot of things that this day had to offer that he couldn’t understand. The creature dropped the nail on the ground with the pointed end placed right in front of the crack Valen stood in. He’s going to seal the hole! Valen knew he had to get out but in doing so he would risk a confrontation with this grotesque creature; he wouldn’t stand a chance in a fight against this thing and he knew it.
The creature went to line up the hammer with the head of the nail. His hand held it firm and showed little effort in swinging the massive tool. Valen was so close to the hammer now that he could see the intricate carvings on its head; one of the symbols looked like an old rustic key amongst the images of demons and angels but he didn’t have time to look at it now, he knew it was to die by the nail or die by the monster. The decision wasn’t easy, but he was on a mission and with the smallest amount of courage he could muster Valen lunged forth from the crevice and into the light. The monster let the key strike the nail sealing up the wall; the force behind the swing felt like standing in the path of a wrecking ball. He stood there there clenching his eyes shut, allowing the recoil to dissipate. The blast had almost knocked him off his feet but instead it now it left him exposed with nowhere to run. He slowly opened his eyes and looked upon the beast as it slowly turned its head and peered from the darkness of its veil and into Valen’s eyes.
Valen stared into the blackness of the creature’s veil. Silence was all that was audibly returned, but at that moment he could decipher the sound of a whisper. The beast’s eyes were visible to him; assuming they could be called eyes at all; Valen’s eyes told revealed something more to him, he could see that the creature’s eyes were in fact a collection of damned souls swimming in a lake of blackness. Valen realized this monster was not a single entity, but rather his angelic eyes had pierced the darkness, revealing this creature was an embodiment of evil.
The beast shifted its weight onto its side placing its knee on the ground near Valen and lowered its massive head next to his. Valen could only take away from these movements that the beast had become infatuated with him, and as he heard its heavy breathing rain down from the towering entity onto his face. He wasn’t sure if running was the best course of action, and even if he managed to get around the beast where would he run? This place was a maze to him and he didn’t want to risk losing his balance and falling into the pit. Having been given eyes was a blessing, but also a curse that had caused his senses to dim where they had made up for his lack of sight. Atop the spire was where Riesen had told him to go and that was his destination, but he may as well have been blind because he didn’t know what was waiting for him once he reached the pinnacle of Purgatory.
The creature began to shift again before Valen after a tedious inspection. This time it stretched it boney arm out before Valen, but not in aggression, but rather to point him along his path. Is he helping me? Valen asked himself.
“You want me to go that way?” Valen asked slightly trembling.
Again the beast pointed with silent approval and nodded in the direction of his finger. More than a path, Valen saw a way out of his predicament. He felt a little uneasy that he was taking directions from this creature that a moment earlier almost unknowingly killed him; assuming he could die. The beast had such an evil presence behind its eyes that still haunted him, shaping disgust for the terrifying creature. None the less, Valen was free to go and proceeded up the giant spiraling tower.
As he made haste upward, Valen could begin to see the end of his journey. Finally! he thought to himself with some relief. Purgatory had taken its toll and he wanted to be prepared for what challenges he may face; but still the hulking creature bothered him. The vivid image of the damned souls in its eyes made him feel uneasy. He knew only time would reveal the true motives behind the sympathetic stranger’s kindness.
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